
Posts Tagged ‘drinking water’

Many of us already know that our bodies are made up of over 70% water and many of us already know that our brains (with some exceptions who you probably can name) are made up of almost 90% water.

Water hydrates our muscles, regulates our body temperature, promotes good kidney function, promotes good brain function, and much, much more. So it would seem to be good common sense that we should try to know a little more about the water we drink. But, most of us probably don’t bother.

Most of us have heard that bottled drinking water has now surpassed, milk, tea and yes my friends, even beer as the beverage of choice. Only soft drinks remain ahead of bottled water.

So what I want to share with you today is this — not all bottled water is the same. As a matter of fact, far from it.

Diligent research (ok, I used Google) uncovered over 670 current brands of bottled water in the world. And a recent ABC News report found a huge variation in water quality.

The gamut ranged from some bottlers merely filling their bottles with tap water, all the way up to the “about to be launched” Perfect Empowered Drinking Water which is purified 15 times, then remineralized, ionized, microstructured and pumped full of oxygen using a proprietary process (that means they wouldn’t tell me how they do it) called Molecular Bound Oxygen or MBO for short. The word is, this water will give you better strength, better balance and better flexibility and oh yes, they say it tastes really good too.

I’m curiously waiting for the launch to try it myself. I’ll keep you up-to-date here at the blog or you can leave your email here to get automatic notification when it is launched.

The lesson today is, if water is such an important part of our healthy bodies, let’s make sure we know what we are drinking and what is in our water. Read some labels, do some research and make sure you are fueling your body properly.

Drink up and here’s to a long, healthy life.

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